There are special tools and services, 6 with disabilities participate in UTBK at UNESA
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Head Sub Directorate of Admission and Student Graduation Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., said that in general the number of test takers in today's two sessions was 1,796 people. However, only 1,736 attended. The remaining 59 participants did not attend without explanation.
Meanwhile for participants with disabilities who registered for today's test as many as eight people. However, after the team reconfirmed and only six participants came to take the test.
Dia adding that participants with disabilities are blind. Their exam system is focused on a special room with special equipment, such as a computer equipped with Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) software. "The younger siblings with disabilities read or understand the questions with the help of this special tool. Apart from that, there are also other equipment," he said.
Director Disabilities UNESA Dr. Wagino, M.Pd., added, UNESA also provides special services for participants with disabilities including special companions from students and lecturers of Special Education (PLB) who welcome and escort them to the test room and from the test room back to the pick-up point.< /p>
In addition In addition, the supervisor on duty is also a lecturer who does have a PLB background. "The supervisor's job is to ensure that there is no cheating, to facilitate participants so that they are comfortable taking the test, to ensure that the system runs smoothly. So when there is a problem, it can be resolved immediately," said Wagino.
All the service, assistance and access that UNESA provides is principally to provide convenience for participants in taking the UTBK test so they can study at their dream campus.
“ No matter what disabilities are tested here, we are committed to providing safe and optimal services. Not all of those who took this test took study programs here, but most did choose study programs at UNESA. The point is we really pay attention to the comfort of the participants both during the test and during their studies and even until they graduate," he continued.
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Expert UNESA with disabilities, Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd., explained that participants with disabilities have the same test duration as regular participants. However, from the aspect of the number of different questions, participants with disabilities only got around 90 questions. Even though that much, it still doesn't lower the grade of the question, because the weight is the same.
" The reading speed of participants with visual impairments is not as fast as regular participants, so there will be adjustments to their needs. We emphasize again, reducing this question is only a form of adjustment, there is no reduction in the weight or grade of the questions," he said.
Added Budiyanto, apart from adjusting the questions, the services provided by UNESA were also adapted to the needs of participants with disabilities. Not only when participants get off the vehicle, when in the room or when they return to leave the campus, but the treatment given is comprehensive.
Vice Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., said that the campus with the tagline Home of the Champions provides opportunities for participants with disabilities to learn and develop themselves at UNESA. The path for them is not only UTBK, but also opening a special admissions scheme for disabilities on an independent pathway which will be opened some time in the future.
" Our real hope is to provide as many opportunities as possible for local children, both those with disabilities and non-disabilities, to jointly develop themselves and build competence, so that later they can make the best contribution to society, nation and state," he hoped. >