Rector’s Letter for UNESA-DIM Ranking Launching

Dear University Leaders,

It’s a great pleasure to announce that our university has launched a rating instrument for measuring the disability-friendly university/institution governance and awareness. The Instrument is called Universitas Negeri Surabaya Disability Inclusion Metrics (UNESA-DIM). It was initiated by the UNESA Ranking Division and collaborated with the UNESA Disability Service Study Center (PSLD) as a self-evaluation tool for optimizing our service to our students and staff with disability. Later, it’s transformed into a metric rating that we would like to share globally for increasing public disability awareness.

UNESA-DIM has 10 indicators consisting of; Leadership, Strategic Planning, Special Policy for Disability Inclusion, Institutional, Cooperation with Disabilities Organizations, Facilities & Infrastructure; Decent Accommodation; Students & Employees; Education; and Research and Community Service. And with a total of 43 sub-indicators, it will provide the whole university/institution disability inclusion profile from a multi-dimensional view with a focus on excellence. This metric will be available online, free of charge, and by participating in this ranking, you will be able to assess the achievement of your institution on disability inclusion and compare it with other participants. We can learn from each other and share the best practice to ensure disability inclusion awareness sustainability and create a global network.

You can participate in UNESA-DIM by accessing the online survey at If you have any questions concerning this rating and its network, please contact Ms. Nabilatul Fadilah at Please visit our website at for further information including the video profile of this metric. I appreciate your thoughtful attention, please consider joining us in the 2022 UNESA-DIM Rankings and I am eager to see your university.

Kind regards

Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.

Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa)