If you haven't received your new UNESA-DIMETRIC email username

  1. Please contact the admin at the following email address and phone number
    Email us to unesa-dim@unesa.ac.id or 
    Faizur Rahmatin +62 858 5615 9343 Nur Fitri Anggraini +62 857 4696 1436
  2. Ask the admin for help to check your verified account or send the new registration token 
  3. A new email is sent to the applicant (approximately 1-2 hours)
  4. Admin confirms it to the applicant
  5. Please re-confirm it has been sent/received
  6. If it has been sent/received to you, continue to register on the website. If not, please wait for a maximum of 24 hours of the admin re-confirmation

For any queries about your registration, please contact us